Happy July! The summer warmth is here. For some people, summertime and the extra vitamin D really boots their moods and have a positive impact on their mental health. For others, they can feel overwhelmed with a packed schedule, kids being out of school, and being more active. Maybe you fall somewhere in the middle. Either way, most people experience some sort of change of routine in the summer.
It's hard for us to understand but we do change energy levels as humans and some days we are going to have energy and it all together and other days we are not. I always like to take the opportunity at the start of a new month to set intentions. A new month a clean slate, to give yourself love and kindness. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or frustrated. Here are some summer self-care tips to try:

1. Forrest Bathing
When was the last time you took a stroll in the woods? Forest bathing is based on the Japanese practice, shinrin-yoku, which can be translated as “taking in the medicine or atmosphere of the forest.” While forest bathing began in Japan in the 1980s, it has recently grown more popular worldwide.
Practicing mindful walking through any woodsy area can have great benefits for your mental health. Forest bathing has been found to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and levels of harmful hormones — like cortisol, which your body produces when it's stressed. This can help put you in a more calm and relaxed state. Try to not hurry through your walk, notice if you are rushing. If you want you can add some other activities such as meditation, yoga, or a picnic. Mindfully observe plants, trees, and sound. Let yourself just be.

2. Sleep Schedule
Try to maintain a healthy sleep schedule. I notice that due to school being out schedule changes etc many clients have reported to me having an "off" sleep schedule. Better sleep = better mood. How can you tweak your sleep schedule to help boost your mood this summer? Sometimes it is hard to have self-discipline when there are a lot of activities available that may keep us up later. Check-in with yourself, notice if you need to maybe decline to get a good night's rest, put the book down, or turn off the TV. Your future self will thank you. Sleep boundaries with ourselves are important and an act of self-love.

3. Drink Water!!
Sometimes is the most simple thing that can be such a benefit to us. I recommend bringing water wherever you go. (maybe speak some affirmations into your bottle) This will help you remember to drink water throughout the day. Water has been shown to have natural calming properties, most likely a result of addressing dehydration's effects on the body and brain. Drinking enough water is an important step in managing your health mental and physical, holistically.

4. Go somewhere new.
I am not saying you have to take a trip to the other side of the world. (that would be fun for me). However, going somewhere you have not been before even for a day trip can be greatly beneficial. Visiting new places is also a great way to keep your brain active. While you are creating a new version of yourself your next adventure could provide the mental stimulation your brain needs. Taking a trip of a day trip can be used to get out of your comfort zone, expose yourself to uncertainty and allow yourself to practice going with the flow. Whether it's a day trip or a week vacation most likely not everything will go as planned. This gives us an opportunity to practice our emotional agility, or the ability to not react immediately to emotions, but to observe those that arise, carefully collect information to understand the possible causes, then intentionally decide how to manage them.
Client update:
As many of you requested I added online booking up for the month of July. Click the link below to book or update your appointments.
As many of you know I have moved from Bodhi Soul to my own space in West Hartford Center. It's a beautiful space with room for me to expand. As I have gone from part-time to full time the Bridge and Bodhi Soul have been great transition spaces for me. I have now found my home that is just mine and I can't wait to share it with you. 16 Brace Road West Hartford CT 3rd floor suite 302. Click the button below for directions.
I will still be collaborating with Bodi Soul and doing groups in workshops at their location in the fall. Click the link below to check out their website for more information on their offerings.
Much love and gratitude,